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The correct answers in bold text


the June frame answers

The last picture question is now new in the frame. It is always related in some way toarcheology.The correct answer to it replaces one of the other answers. You will find the correct answers to this question, as well as the entire competition, in the homemenu after a month.


In how many days did God create the world according to theBible (Genesis chapter 1)

in two weeks

5 million a year

in six days 


Which creature was last created?


olive tree



How does God always evaluate His work of creation at the

end of the creation period?

Huh hey cheers!

God saw that it was good

What's in it, good it came

4 According to the Bible, who and to whom God said this:" Let

us make man in our image, after ourlikeness."

God himself to himself

God to Jesus who was with him

God to the Holy Spirit and Jesus who were therewith God


After whom likeness God created man?

Like yourself

To be a superhuman from steel

Like God


According to the Bible, how valuable is one person?

1 000 000 dollars

Infinitely valuable

We do not know it


How much does God love one person?  John 3: 16


As much as His own Son

We dont know


What was the discovery site of this dinosaur fossil andwhen? Source National Geograph

Year 1947 Takahikia

Year 1947 from Norwegian Lapland

Year 2011 Colorado Canada
